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First things first : We'd love to have any help , or extensions that you put together. Click here for more details

How Code Pictures / NoUnit works

Code Pictures work in two steps:

(1) Convert Java -> XML

(2) Convert XML to HTML report.

Easy! We read Java byte code (because it is nice and tidy already) and generate an XML document from it. We then transform this XML into whatever HTML report / Code Picture / other output that we want. We can either do this in Java , or via an XSLT transformation (using Xerces and Xalan from Apache). The latter is probably better is it separates code from presentation , and is easier for everybody else to see what is going on.

Looking at the Code / Javadoc

Some good start points to look at the code / Javadoc are:
net.firstpartners.nounit.ui.command.CommandLineProcessor where the code starts running from the command line.

net.firstpartners.nounit.ui.common.Processor controls all the main steps of the conversion / transformation

package net.firstpartners.nounit.reader.bytecode contains all the 'Readers' of Java byte code , and the 'Factories' that make code snippets out of them.

package net.firstpartners.nounit.snippet contains all the 'Snippets' i.e. Classes that think they are pieces of Java Code (Methods , Classes etc). They are XML aware - calling toXML() returns a representation of themselves in XML.

package takes the XML generated by the Snippets and makes Code Picture Reports out of them. and are 'Pluggable' reports (they are command line parameters) allowing the user to choose how much processing of the XML is done in java. We can extend these reports easily.

Extending NoUnit and Code Pictures

You've lots of choices in extending NoUnit and writing Code Pictures to suit your needs. In increasing order of difficulty , they are:
1. Change an Existing XSLT report.
Probably the best and easiest. XSL is relatively easy to learn , and there a lot of tools and resources out there on the web. You can even hack away at the samples provided!! Once you have created your new report , simply pass it in as a Command Line Parameter. (More details)

2. Create a new Java Report Class.
If you prefer working in Java , or simply need more power then go with this option. Look at the way SimpleReport and CallsReport are done , and write the class in a similar fashion. You can even do everything in Java if you prefer (and not call the XSLT transformation). Once your report class is written , pass it in as a Command Line Parameter. (More details)

3. Information not available in the current XML. What if the information you require isn't being read by the current Java Readers? What if the information is available only in source , and not byte code? Then , please help us upgrade the net.firstpartners.nounit.reader and sub-packages to read in all the information in the Java source.

Remember! NoUnit and Code Pictures can give you lots of different views of your code , not just JUnit test coverage (More details).

Helping the NoUnit Project
NoUnit and Code Pictures have a lot of potential. The NoUnit SourceForge home page is the best place to get the latest news , updates , requests , and bug fixes on the NoUnit project.
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